Organization: UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
Registration deadline: 03 Apr 2016
Starting date: 18 Apr 2016
Ending date: 22 Apr 2016
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) in cooperation with the International Criminal Court Office of Public Counsel for the Defence (ICC-OPCD) and with the support of the Turin Bar Association and the International Association of Lawyers (Union Internationale des Avocats -UIA) will host a 5-day Seminar on International Criminal Law Defence.
The seminar is specifically designed for practicing and trainee lawyers interested in the practice of international criminal law whether in national or international courts and for those professionals working with organizations involved in this area.
Participants will indeed greatly benefit from the direct experience of the experts steering the lectures and the practical exercises: Ms. Marie O’ Leary, consultant at ICC-OPCD; Ms. Colleen Rohan, Criminal Attorney practicing before international tribunals and President of the Defence Counsel Practicing before the ICTY; and Mr. William Wiley, Executive Director of the Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA), Former International Legal Advisor at the Iraqi High Tribunal, Former Human Rights Officer for the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq and Former Investigator and Intelligence Analyst at the ICC, ICTR and ICTY.
During the first day of the training, participants will be introduced to the fundamental principles of International Criminal Law (ICL) and its investigative and procedural mechanism. The following three days will specifically tackle several aspects related to International Criminal Defence including an overview on defence ethics during investigations, the mechanisms behind plea negotiations, the structuring of legal arguments, strategies related to direct and cross-examination of witnesses and the grounds for presenting appeals. The last day of the seminar will be, instead focused on the aspects related to the collection and analysis of evidence at the field level and their use before national and international jurisdictions.
The goal of the seminar is to provide current and future practitioners with tools to investigate international crimes and ensure an accurate implementation of criminal justice.
Approximately 15 participants will be selected to attend the Seminar together with the 43 students of the 10th edition of the LL.M. in International Crime and Justice.
The working language will be English.
Course topics include:
- Basic principles of International Criminal Law;
- Introduction to the ICC Rules of Procedure and Evidence;
- Introduction and overview of International Criminal Defence;
- Defence Counsel qualifications and training - setting up a defence team;
- Preparation of strategies for defence;
- Defence investigations;
- Purpose of disclosure and use of evidence;
- Common challenges raised against the Prosecution's case;
- Sources of case law;
- How to structure legal arguments;
- Direct and cross-examination by the Defence;
- Common grounds of appeal and how to preserve the record for appeal;
- Collection and analysis of evidence at the field level and their use before national and international jurisdictions.
For more information, please visit the webpage of the Seminar or contact us at
How to register:
- Application forms to be considered in the selection process can be downloaded here and should be sent to
- The deadline for applications is 3 April 2016
- The results of the selection process will be sent by e-mail by 5 April 2015
- The seminar fee is of € 1.150 and of € 950 for UIA Members and Turin Bar Members and the deadline for payment, upon confirmation of acceptance is 12 April 2015 (i.e. candidates should provide UNICRI with proof of payment by e-mail by the same date)